Meeting documents

SSDC South Somerset District Council
Monday, 28th February, 2022 6.30 pm

  • Meeting of Annual Budget meeting, South Somerset District Council, Monday 28th February 2022 6.30 pm (Item 120.)




That Full Council agreed to:-



approve the programme of decarbonisation works recommended in the report;




approve an increase to the capital budget of £2,760,000 to be funded from borrowing;




approve an increase to the council’s revenue budget of circa £53,960 per annum to fund the financing costs arising from the borrowing required.



To agree a second phase of decarbonisation works to council owned properties as a significant contribution towards the council's commitment to achieving carbon neutrality.

(Voting: 35 in favour, 1 against, 4 abstentions)


The Portfolio Holder for Environment reminded Council that they had recognised the climate emergency in May 2019 and extra resources had been committed to achieve carbon neutrality across the council’s estate by 2030.  The ambition required substantial capital investment and external consultants had provided assessments of the works required as detailed in Table 1 in the report.  She said they represented value for money for the Council and the future Council and there was significant risk in not carrying out the work in case of equipment failure. The detail of the proposed works would be further refined and a suggestion from the Scrutiny Committee to install batteries alongside the solar panels would be considered.  She commended the recommendations


In response to questions from Members, the Portfolio Holder for Environment advised:-


·         No decision had been made on what buildings would be retained by the new Unitary Council.

·         SCC Highways had pollarded trees in Yeovil town centre.  SSDC would not remove mature trees unless they were dangerous or were diseased.


[Subsequent to the meeting, it is possible to provide more detail.  Whilst the majority of trees in the Yeovil are managed by SCC, those in the area affected by the public realm works are managed by SSDC.  In total, nine trees will or have been removed, some in the Triangle area, where they are poor quality or cannot be integrated into schemes. Prior to works starting there were 17 trees across all of the public realm schemes.  Once all schemes are complete, there will be a total of 48 trees planted which will be appropriate species, size and maturity].


·         There would be further refinement of each of the proposed projects to ensure best value for money was achieved.

·         There was a risk that some equipment could fail if not replaced soon.


During discussion it was noted that:-

·         The Brympton Way offices already benefitted from solar panels and an electricity modification to reduce use.

·         Some mature trees had to be removed due to Ash-die back

·         Buckinghamshire, Wiltshire and Shropshire Councils had all cautioned against overcommitting a new Unitary Authority both financially and with project delivery at the changeover.

·         The buildings to be improved were the Westland Entertainment Venue, the Jon O’Donnell Pavilion and Brympton Way offices which would all continue in the new Authority.


Councillor Tony Lock stated that the debate had continued long enough and he proposed that the question be put under Council procedure rule 12.  The Chairman agreed and the recommendations were proposed and seconded and confirmed by 35 votes in favour, 1against and 4 abstentions.



That Full Council agreed to:-



approve the programme of decarbonisation works recommended in the report;




approve an increase to the capital budget of £2,760,000 to be funded from borrowing;




approve an increase to the council’s revenue budget of circa £53,960 per annum to fund the financing costs arising from the borrowing required.



To agree a second phase of decarbonisation works to council owned properties as a significant contribution towards the council's commitment to achieving carbon neutrality.

(Voting: 35 in favour, 1 against, 4 abstentions)

Supporting documents: